Dinghy Racing : Entry and Safety Declaration DINGHY RACING - ENTRY AND SAFETY DECLARATION Dinghy Name * Division Name * Class * Sail Number * Skipper / Person in Charge * Crew * I agree that my boat, her competitors and Support Persons will be aware of, abide by and accept the conditions of entry, the Racing Rules of Sailing and the rules of the Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club and pay the $20 season pass fee when invoiced. * I agree Emergency Contact &/or If the skipper is not 18 years old, a parent or guardian (Support Person) is required to agree to the entry. Please state the name of such person agreeing to these terms and conditions * Emergency &/or Parent Guardian (Support Person) Contact Telephone Number * Safety Declaration - The questions below are a summary checklist of the requirements of Australian Sailing Special Regulations which should be read and understood in full before completing this check list. This checklist assumes all class rules have been followed. 2.02.1 All required equipment (a) Functions properly (b) Regularly checked cleaned and serviced (c) Stowed to minimise deterioration (d) Readily accessible (e) Adequate for intended use 3.01 Buoyancy complies with class rules 3.02.1 Hollow masts completely sealed or self draining 3.02.2 Unstayed masts attached to hull 3.03.1 Centreboards securely fastened to remain in case when inverted 3.03.2 S/S pin prevents rudder becoming detached 3.03.3/4 Tiller and rudder blade securely fastened to rudder stock 3.04 If not self draining, adequate bailer on lanyard long enough to use without detaching. 3.05.1 All crew able to demonstrate towline attachment 4.01.1-3 Required Identification legible and minimum letter / number size (a) Boat Name 50mm High / 8mm Thick (b) Sail No 50mm High / 8mm Thick (c) Club Name / abbreviation 20mm High / 4mm Thick 5.01.2 PFD Type 1, 2 or 3 (non-inflatable) or 50NS or higher in good repair 5.01.5 PFD Identifies owner I have read and understand my obligations as Owner/Person in Charge set out in the Australian Sailing Special Regulations Part 2, 2017-2020, in particular 1.02.1, 1.02.2, 1.02.3 Owner’s Responsibility, and 2.02.1(a) Function of equipment. Read and Understood by Skipper or Parent / Guardian (Support Person) reCAPTCHA There are currently no upcoming courses. Please check back soon. Click above to complete payment