OTB Forum 26 Oct 7pm

Thank you to those who attended the OTB forum on 26 October.

The main talking point was growing our adult OTB fleet. The main action points that we came up with were:

1) Better use of the Club’s Quests/Pacers as a stepping stone for Club Members buying their own boats;

2) Our Tornado (Catamaran) sailors will run a “come and try to be a crew” day with rescue support from the Club;

3) Re Jubilee sailing, although not technically an OTB boat, there are a number of Members who own Jubilees and all studies indicate the best way to grow a fleet/sailors is critical mass. A jubilee will be a great boat to take out beginner/intermediate sailors and join in on the Sunday Club Racing; and

4) Club Racing: everyone who attended the meeting agreed Sundays are still the best day for OTB Racing and to stick with the same start time as previous years.

Please help spread the message: Club racing for all OTB boats remains at 1300hrs on Sundays.

More detailed minutes are available via here. Any queries, please contact David White: [email protected]